Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to them, “Sit here while I go over there and pray.” (Matthew 26:36)
Jesus, knowing all of what awaited him on his journey to the cross, took his closest friends to the foot of the Mount of Olives to pray. He asked for God's will to be done.
This Lenten season as we consider our building project our congregation is at the foot of a different kind of mountain. The challenge we’ve given ourselves is to gather pledges and commitments totaling one million dollars by Easter. We are a little more than halfway there. As members of this congregation, we ask for your prayers that God's will be done. If one million dollars is meant to be gathered, HIS will be done. If the building is meant to move forward with less than that amount, HIS will be done. If more classrooms and expanded gathering space are meant to share the gospel of Christ, HIS will be done. We ask for your commitments, but we need your prayers. We have faith that God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit will guide us to do HIS will.
Members of St. Paul: join us for prayer and planning at a special congregational breakfast in the fellowship hall on Sunday, April 3rd, 9:15 am.