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Built on the Rock April Update

Concrete is being poured. The foundation has been laid. As you view early construction images below, consider this message from Scripture: "For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ" (1 Corinthians 3:11). The Apostle Paul is warning us not to pin our hopes on anyone or anything more than on Jesus. He's encouraging us with the good news when your faith is founded on Christ, you are on solid ground in this life and the next.

As we seek to spread the gospel message to many more children and families for generations to come, we pray that Jesus Christ alone may be our foundation and theirs, that by God's grace and the work of the Holy Spirit we may together be Built on the Rock.


This first of our construction videos was filmed March 20, 2023. The ground has been prepared for building, and the construction site is fenced off.

This next video was captured on April 2, 2023. Main excavation work is done, and concrete forms are beginning to be laid.

As of April 14th, the foundation for our building project has been laid, and basement walls are being worked on.


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