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Built on the Rock February Update

Give thanks to the Lord: building project work is starting earlier this year than expected. In our September blog post, we noted that the winter months would involve a lot of behind-the-scenes work, and that new construction would begin as early as possible in the spring of 2023. But winter has been milder than expected, and the current timeline looks like this:

  • February 27th - start digging for new structure

  • March 13th - pour foundations

  • April 17th - hook up electricity

  • April 24th - start masonry

  • December 1st - completion

Of course, weather can change again, and other factors may impact the planned timeline. It's good for us to pray that the project runs smoothly.

It's also good to remember that God's Word never changes, and neither does he. Whatever challenges we face in our own lives and in the life of our church family, we have a Savior once crucified, now living and ruling all things for our good - the rock of our salvation. Not only is he our comfort and hope, he is the content of our message for future generations - the generations we aim to reach through this first phase of building project: Built on the Rock.


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