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Built on the Rock September Update

Parsonage Demolition

A view from inside church while Junior Choir rehearsed on Wednesday, September 14th, 2022 (turn on sound to hear their singing)

On September 13th, 2022, we saw the first visible signs that our Built on the Rock program is underway. The parsonage of St. Paul was demolished, along with the garage next to it. This was the third parsonage in our congregation's 139 year history. The house was dedicated in 1955 and has been home to five pastors and their families since then. The garage was built by our own members around two decades ago. We give thanks to the Lord for all the ways this home has served as a blessing to our pastors and our congregation these past 65 years. We praise him for the abundant opportunities we're seeing for expanding the reach of our gospel ministry in both our church and school. Our two-phase building program will mean more classrooms, expanded narthex, better accessibility, dedicated program space, new offices, and improved security.

Project Timeline

What's next?

This fall, a new driveway will replace the current driveway from Clay St. into our church parking lot. The new driveway will be located just south of the current driveway, in order to make room for our newly located playground. Our playground will be moved to its new location near the southeast corner of our gym. A new gym exit will be added.

Winter months will involve a lot of behind-the-scenes work.

Construction of our new classrooms and offices will begin as early as possible in the spring of 2023.

The projected completion of phase 1 of our project (classrooms, offices, basement) will be Christmas of 2023.

The second phase of the project will be the construction of a new narthex. Our goal will be to embark and and complete that second phase as soon as we are able.

Financial Update

Our congregation has offered generous support for this program. As reported by our building committee chairman after our services on Sept. 11th, we've received about $742K in commitments. Of that amount, we've received about $448K in gifts. Our construction loan has been approved pending final appraisal, and our contract with our construction company has been signed. Please continue to pray for our Built on the Rock program, that it may provide us the space needed to reach many more souls with the gospel of our Savior for generations to come.

Demolition Video and Photos

Time-elapse video shows the care with which stones are removed from the side of the house to be recycled for future use.

Over half of the house has been pulled down.

The second story has been removed.

The house and garage have both been taken down, and the rubble is moved into one place to be taken away.

The house's basement walls are being dug out.

From our Project Chairman

Jim Gamble's post-service update, Sunday, September 11th.

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