We give thanks and praise to the Lord of the church for enabling each of the three teacher we've called to arrive at a decision, and we trust him to bless each decision for the good of his people. Here are the decision letters we've received.
From Elizabeth Broring, called to teach 3rd grade starting in the fall of 2023
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
After serious and prayerful consideration asking God’s guidance, the Lord has led me to accept the divine call extended to me to teach third grade at St. Paul Lutheran School beginning next school year.
I would like to thank everyone for their support and prayers throughout the past few weeks as I prayerfully deliberated the call extended to me to serve at St. Paul Lutheran School. I humbly ask for God’s blessing on my decision and for strength and wisdom from him to serve faithfully.
Please continue to keep me and Trinity in Marinette, WI in your prayers as we look to God to provide guidance during this transition. I look forward to getting to know all of you and pray that my service will be a blessing as I join the ministry at St. Paul.
In Christian Service,
Miss Elizabeth Broring
From Josh Lepke, called to teach 5th grade starting in the fall of 2023
Dear Members of St Paul's Lutheran School and Church,
I want to thank you for your thoughts and prayers during the last few weeks as I deliberated my call to serve at St Paul’s Lutheran School. After careful prayer to determine where God is leading me and consideration for both ministries, the Lord has led me to decline the call. The deliberation of this call and the many conversations I had has clearly shown a talented staff and a drive towards excellence in christian education at St Paul’s Green Bay, but the timing was not right for me and my family. I am excited for your future and the growth that is coming. I am confident God will lead the right person to carry on the work needed. I pray for your congregation and school that God continues to bless the work being done.
In His Service,
Josh Lepke
From Melissa Koenig, called to teach 1st grade starting in the fall of 2023
Dear Pastor Zabell, Pastor Enstad, and members of St. Paul,
Thank you for your patience over the past few weeks as I deliberated the Divine Call you extended to me. It has been a privilege and a blessing to think about the ministry opportunities at St. Paul and here at St. Mark, knowing that the work carried out at both places is essential and guided by God’s gracious will.
With the knowledge and comfort that God’s will is being carried out with this prayerful decision, I have been led to accept the call to be the first grade teacher at St. Paul. Please keep St. Mark in your prayers as they will start the calling process to fill the vacancy.
I look forward to continuing my ministry in Green Bay, Wisconsin, where I can serve others and spread God’s Word!
In Christ,
Melissa Koenig