Pastor Ben Enstad has accepted the divine call to serve as associate pastor at St. Paul Lutheran. He and his family will be moving here in a few months. At his installation date (yet to be announced), he will become the sixteenth pastor in our congregation's history.
Here's the acceptance letter he wrote to our congregation, dated Saturday, February 19th, 2022.
Dear members of St. Paul,
Again, greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Over the last month I have spent more time, discussion and prayer in deliberating calls than I ever have before. My appreciation for your patience as I have deliberated three calls cannot be measured. Any additional call received humbles any pastor, but your call and deliberating two others at the same time overwhelmed me at times with God’s grace and mercy, his unsearchable ways to carry on the mission of His Church, and the call of God’s people ringing in my mind and heart.
After all this wrestling, and now resting in the peace of God’s promises of grace and blessing, I announce to you that I have accepted your call to serve as associate pastor at St. Paul, Green Bay.
I thank you for the trust you have placed in me by extending this Divine Call. I eagerly look forward to coming and serving you and our Good Shepherd by your side and the blessed ministry team of St. Paul Church & School.
I ask for your continued prayers as we begin making the transition of coming down the peninsula to serve you. Your love, welcome, understanding, support and patience as I and my family experience some big changes in our lives is greatly appreciated.
Until my ministry officially begins in your presence, I also ask for your prayers on my behalf and on that of the people of St. John, Valmy, as I help lead them into a time of vacancy. And, even after I join you, that you would continue to remember them in your prayers that their hearts would not be troubled, but that they trust God’s promise to care for their needs as a congregation as they journey through a time of vacancy.
In Christ,
Pastor Benjamin Enstad