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CALL NEWS update

Updated: 3 hours ago

Our 7th-8th grade teacher and technology director Jared Brennan has returned the call to serve as teacher and vice-principal at St. Paul in Tomah, Wisconsin. You can read his letter to our congregation below.

In a special call meeting last night our congregation extended a call to Mrs. Ashley Leitermann to teach 5th grade and to her husband Mr. Brandon Leiterman to teach 7th grade at St. Paul. Both of them currently teach at St. John's Lutheran School in Neillsville, WI. You can read their call acknowledgment letter below. You may use their contact information to offer them words of encouragement, if you'd like, and please keep them in your prayers.


From Mr. Jared Brennan:

Dear Fellow members of St. Paul Lutheran; 

After the past three weeks of deliberating my calls to both St. Paul Lutheran’s (Green Bay and Tomah) I have been blessed with the opportunity to reflect on my time here in Green Bay. I have returned the call to St. Paul Lutheran of Tomah and have decided to remain here at St. Paul Lutheran. I look forward to working with you all towards our goals of providing a wonderful and complete Christian education to our members and community. I look forward to being here for the 2025-2026 school year. 

God’s blessings and thank you for your time. 

Your brother in Christ 

Jared Brennan 


From Mr. and Mrs. Leiterman:

Dear Brothers and Sisters at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church,

On February 17, I received a Divine Call to serve your congregation as your 7th grade homeroom and science teacher. My wife, Ashley, also received a Divine Call to serve as your 5th grade homeroom and ELA teacher. We are humbled to receive these Calls and are grateful for the opportunity to consider how our gifts may best serve the kingdom of God.

We are looking forward to learning about your ministry at St. Paul’s as we receive more information and speak with leaders of your congregation. We also welcome the opportunity to speak with anyone who would like to contact us. They can reach me by email ( or phone (920-615-5136).

We ask that you keep us in your prayers as we deliberate both our calls to serve at St. John’s in Neillsville and St. Paul in Green Bay. As we prayerfully consider these calls, the following passage provides us with the confidence that the Lord’s plan is far greater than our own:

“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart, I will be found in you,’ declares the Lord.” -Jeremiah 29:11-14

Serving in Christ,

Brandon and Ashley Leiterman

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