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CALL NEWS update

Mrs. Ashley Leiterman and her husband Mr. Brandon Leiterman have come to a decision on the calls they were holding to teach 5th grade and 7th grade at St. Paul school. You can read their decision letter below.


From Mr. and Mrs. Leiterman

Dear Brothers and Sisters at St. Paul Lutheran Church,

On February 17th, my wife Ashley and I received calls to serve at your school. Since then, your congregation has been in our thoughts and prayers as we’ve been deliberating where we can best serve God’s kingdom. 

We must respectfully return your calls to serve as teachers at St. Paul.

We thank all those who have reached out to us over the past few weeks. Talking to so many of your school and church staff has been amazing. We have heard many wonderful things about the work God is doing at your school and congregation. Although we will not be joining your ministry at St. Paul, you are our brothers and sisters in Christ. God has greatly blessed the work you’re doing in Green Bay, and we pray that God will continue to bless you by providing you with called workers to fill the needs at your congregation.

Serving in Christ,

Brandon and Ashley Leiterman


We're thankful for the Leitermans' prayerful deliberation of their calls, and we pray for God's continued blessing on their ministry at St John's in Neilsville, WI.

We trust that the Lord of the church will provide for our gospel ministry in whatever way is best, and at just the right time. We've scheduled another call meeting for two teachers on Monday, March 24th, at 7:30 p.m. in the church fellowship hall.

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